Doggiest Dog Lover Design

Every design has a story.  Something that sparked the first idea that went through change after change until it was perfected.  I'd like to explain the inspiration for the design above found in our Threadless shop.

It all starts with an extremely curious dog and a new house.  The previous owners must have had an extremely small dog or cat that liked to roam the house.  Most likely tired of having to continuously open and close the door to the basement (just a guess), they gave in and put in a tiny doggie door.

Enter our new puppy, Chicharito.  Immediately, after moving in we adopted a new puppy... because it's not a home until there's a puppy (amiright?).

Once he was old enough to stay home on his own outside a crate, we would keep him in the basement to keep him from destroying the extremely valuable Ikea furniture (we put it together once; there was no way we were going to do it again).   Every time we came home we would see the same thing.

Chicharito saying, "Hi!"
Obviously, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap a few pics.  When my partner and I started to design t-shirts, we decided to give Chicharito his debut, which lead to these:

This is the first of many posts that will explain the inspiration behind our designs.  Thank you for reading and supporting a couple of independent artists.  
